How to apply Principled Pragmatism in EU-Russia relations
Ever since the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the multi-level relations between the European Union and its Eastern neighbor have deteriorated. Most recent episodes include the poisoning of Alexej Navalny and the continuous breach of the Minsk II agreement. In this post, I show how the EU’s Principled Pragmatism approach can be applied to EU-Russia relations.
Addressing the Global Governance Deficit - Contributions of Corporate Social Responsibility and the UN Global Compact
In our anarchical globalized world, multinational companies can take advantage of the less powerful workers, local communities and the natural environment without necessarily being held accountable for it. There is no central authority governing the international business arena and countries' regulations are limited to their national borders. This creates a vacuum of power or a “Global Governance Deficit”. In this article I discuss the Global Governance Deficit by elaborating on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and analyzing the United Nations Global Compact as potential measures that can reduce the deficit of global governance.
How does the HR/VP represent the EU?
The ever-changing international landscape continuously questions the international balance of power. The current unipolar world system is tested by the rise of China and the increased importance of regional organizations in a globalized world. Countries and regions have to redefine their role and positions. This is especially true for the European Union. The EU has become a major global actor, but its appearance has been at times inconsistent or even contradictory.
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Meine Motivation, Forderungen und Ziele bei der Kommunalwahl 2020 in NRW.